This weeks edition is a combination of chillout and ambient sounds, just to celebrate the return of summer. Rainer Winscherman & Wolfgang Gsell take you on the „Imaginary Road“ to relax by a soft saxophone, a nice guitar and some synth sounds. Then you´ll find yourself in the dunes by Mare Mystica („In den Dünen“) to sit down and relax a while. According to O-Drab we „Just hold on“ … so let´s do what he want us to do and stay at the dunes :-), and when Night Note performs his „Extremely Slowly“ track, we hardly can leave the place …
Wiesolator & Lutz Thuns present us what will happen on „Day Five“ and Microvolt is giving us some time, by listening to his „Clock“. Bruno Ender Lee is „Synthlighting“ us – whatever this means – it feels so right. Finally Das Echt Andere presents us an „Elektrochill“ and Firn helps us to wake up with his chilled beats on „DAAC 01“
You can listen to the mix on
- Saturday @10pm
- Monday @11 pm
- Tuesday @4pm (all UTC+1)
on and from every Thursday on Mixcloud