Part two of Vangelis´ unreleased „Tegos Tapes“.
(It contains music from Case 15 to 24)
It was my intention to create an ambient – almost meditative – mix of some of the case-music excerpts. As in part one you hear only parts that do not include any medical voice overs.
I´m fully aware that some of the parts are in a very rough condition, but I didn´t want to edit these cuts, in order to present the music as it was made back in the 1990s. It is not a fully high quality recording of his music – carefully mastered and edited; it´s a „out of the box“ recording; still a fascinating example of his genius.
“Every human being, animal, plant or mineral carries the imprint of the cycle of Creation. Sound has always followed the sequences of change in this cycle, like a code carrying the function and dimension of the universe, being at the same time its generator. Let us go deep into our memory (and remember), by doing this, we will be able to decode the code of the Creation of the universe and, therefore, our own. What an extraordinary and divine key is music!” – Vangelis
[mixcloud width=100% height=60 hide_cover=1 mini=1]