about me

I write songs influenced by a certain mood or the wish to reflect events
which happened to me. Sometimes a single picture can contain the idea
of a complete song, sometimes a movie (or its music) influences me
to write a track.

Whatever it is, it’s always a request of my heart to tell a story.
I’ve grown up with the „New Age“ music of the 80ies,
with soundtracks by James Horner, Joel Goldsmith or Alan Silvestri.
I’ve experienced the vivid pop music of that time as well as
the great electronic music by Jean Michel Jarre, Vangelis, Kitaro or Tomita.
Jan Jammer’s exceptionally music for „Miami Vice“ was the reason,
why I started to compose electronic music.


Writing a song is like telling a story – and I hope you like my stories.

Für den Inhalt verantwortlich: Richard Hasiba, Inge-Morath-Str. 43D, 8045 Graz, Austria

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