60 Minutes Of Chill – Part Twelve

On tonight´s episode I like to present you tracks from a time when chillout or ambient wasn´t such a familiar term in electronic music, as well as representatives of the actual chillout and lounge scene. Do you remeber Frank Duval? He´s one of these artists who used synthesizers wisley in the 80ies and 90ies – […]

60 Minutes Of Chill – Part Eleven – ENIGMA Edition

On tonight´s episode I present you one of these bands who have totally changed our way of experiencing electronic music: ENIGMA Remembering the typical drumsequence on their first album „MCMXC a.D“? Countless other artists used it since then and tried to imitate the combination of chilled sounds with gregorian chorals to create these well known […]

Friendly Week – Day 7: Syndae & Sequences Electronic Music

We started with electronic music, we end this week with 2 podcast sites of the same style S Y N D A E Syndae is an independent podcast on electronic music of ambient, space, new age, harmonic, traditional, progressive, and rhythmic style, not directly including electronic dance music. The goal of Syndae is to make […]

Friendly Week – Day 6: Ann Grace & Marie Therese

2 ladies who brought chilled lounge music to me … A N N G R A C E Ann Grace (Ana Graciela) is a spanish woman from the mediterranean side. In 2006 she began as a Dj of deephouse music and two years later she dediced to compose her own music. Piano and violin melodies […]

Friendly Week – Day 5: MikeWhite Presents & Claudio Fiore

Today I present you a collective of artists and the CEO of Ultrasonic Music Germany in the UK. M I K E W H I T E P R E S E N T S They are a collective of writers, singers and producers from London, England, making music that reflects their passion for Dance […]