Friendly Week – Day 4: Mark Dorricott – Halcyon Daze – Auditory Rhythms
This time I present you three artists I already had the honour to collaborate: M A R K D O R R I C O T T Mark Dorricott is a UK-based keyboard player, composer, and producer who writes everything from Jazz and Latin based numbers to more contemporary Ambient and New Age piano music. […]
Friendly Week – Day 3: Modul303 & Ultrasonic Music Germany
M O D U L 3 0 3 Since a few months I present my podcast „60 Minutes Of Chill“ on this german webradio station. So, it´s time to present the home of great electronic music. Modul303 is a non-commercial webradio from germany, located in Duisburg and Berlin. Broadcasting 24 hours each day, it´s focused […]
Friendly Week – Day 2: Michael Brückner & Bernd Kistenmacher
M I C H A E L B R U E C K N E R Due to several music groups on Facebook, I got in contact with Michael. Beside the fact that he´s a friendly guy who is always open for new collaborations in electronic music, for me his music is the perfect example […]
60 Minutes Of chill – Part Ten
On tonight´s episode of my podcast series I present you „Mensano“ (who worked with Christopher von Deylen on the first SCHILLER album), as well as a track by London group „MikeWhitePresents“ – a band I had the honour to meet personally and to work with for several times. Also 2 great cover versions of Depeche […]
Friendly Week – Day 1: Synestem & Harald Bertram
S Y N E S T E M Gerald Wirtz is the man behind this electronic music project. Music, filled with white noise, ambient pad sounds, chirps, beeps and whistles combined with chilled sounds and rhythms. Imagine Jean Michel Jarre decides to create new tracks, and asks Gerald for help. The result would be music, […]