Enjoy another podcast from Sequences Electronic Music, where you have the O N L…

Enjoy another podcast from Sequences Electronic Music, where you have the O N L Y chance to listen to a brand new track from me!!!

„Organic“ will be part of my next album, which will be released in late November.


Sequences Electronic Music Podcast No51

Sequences Podcast No51 Hi Everyone, After our more chill out edition on issue 50, the tempo has increased somewhat, including a host of new names growing on our list. The guitar is more prominent

I´m very proud to present you my latest remix, an electronic-chilled re-interpre…

I´m very proud to present you my latest remix, an electronic-chilled re-interpretation of the great blues ballad „It´s a rainy day“ by Mark Dorricott feat. Ms. King.


I hope you like it!

Mark Dorricott Feat. Ms. King – It´s A Rainy Day (Stan Dart Remix)

Another time I had the chance (and honour) to make a remix for my dreamteam of jazzy music: Ms. King and Mark Dorricott: A re-creation of their great blues ballad „It´s a rainy day“ … I hope you li