Joining the B-Side Project for 2014! Not because of the chance to win a price, b…

Joining the B-Side Project for 2014! Not because of the chance to win a price, but because of the possibilty to meet new people and to work with them … love to collaborate 😉

„Nicotine“ was my contribution in 2013 .. Rebecca Clements has such a great voice …

Rebecca Clements – Nicotine (Stan Dart – B-Side Project remix)
Rebecca Clements: …

My dear friends and fans! As you know that I´m taking part at the Hans Zimmer c…

My dear friends and fans!

As you know that I´m taking part at the Hans Zimmer contest on, I´m going to ask you for a small favour:

For those of you who have a soundcloud-account, could you „like“ my version of „Destiny´s Door“? The importance is to like it on Soundcloud – not on FB! But only if you like my version – to make that clear!

The more likes on soundcloud the better for my version to be choosen 😎 – thanks!!!

Hans Zimmer – Destiny´s Door (Stan Dart´s Bleeding Fingers Contest Version)
To create a remix/track with original stems from Hans Zimmer was like a dream came true to me … since I´m writing songs I always wanted to work w…

Well … finally!!!! :-)

Well … finally!!!! :-)The Hollywood Sign Generatorhollywoodsigngenerator.comCreate your own Hollywood sign to help raise awareness!