A trip into the Bladerunner universe …

For over a year Mark and I were working on this album, having the idea to return to the Bladerunner universe. We started this voyage on the album „Midnight“ some years ago and we felt there were a few more stories to tell.
Disc one („the human side“) is where you find stories about Deckard and Rachael. In particular, during the time between the two movies, where they must have had some good times too, although their world was not the nicest place to live in.
Disc two („the replicant side“) is about those artifical creatures – misunderstood and abused – a new form of slaves. What did they think about themselves, what about having memories which weren´t their own ones? What about working in space, risking their short life in daily routine for a mankind which wanted to kill them?
We hope you enjoy this voyage – regardless if you´re a human being or a replicant 🙂
Wave-pic by courtesy of Peter Marriott. Space-pics by courtesy of eso.org